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The Fred! Surge has Started? [Bumped!] - [Liberrocky] »
January 13, 2008
The Secret of the Surges Success? Hillary! - [Liberrocky]
Well at least according to Hillary:
SEN. CLINTON: ...The point of the surge was to quickly move the Iraqi government and Iraqi people. That is only now beginning to happen, and I believe in large measure because the Iraqi government, they watch us, they listen to us. I know very well that they follow everything that I say. And my commitment to begin withdrawing our troops in January of 2009 is a big factor, as it is with Senator Obama, Senator Edwards, those of us on the Democratic side. It is a big factor in pushing the Iraqi government to finally do what they should have been doing all along.
My powers of prognostication are unquestionable! I predicted that the left would have to make up an excuse to avoid crediting Petraeus with the success of the surge, I just didn't think that they would actually take credit themselves!
posted by xgenghisx at
06:40 PM
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