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January 09, 2008
Thanks NATO!
It appears our European allies aren’t going to pony up enough troops for Afghanistan this year, so the Pentagon is considering sending 3,000 Marines there on a seven month deployment.
…(Defense Secretary Robert) Gates' thinking on the issue has "progressed a bit" over time as it became clear that it was politically untenable for many of the NATO nations to contribute more combat troops to the fight.
"The commanders need more forces there. Our allies are not in the position to provide them. So we are now looking at perhaps carrying a bit of that additional load," the spokesman said.
Morrell said the move, first reported Wednesday by ABC News, was aimed at beating back "another Taliban offensive" that is expected this spring — as has occurred in previous years.
When Gates was in Afghanistan last month, commanders made it clear they needed the additional forces.
I thought Afghanistan was the good war, the one we all agreed on? Yet some countries can’t seem find the troops to fight it.
On the upside, the Marines have been trying to get in on the action in Afghanistan for awhile. Apparently Anbar Province is quiet, too quiet for hard charging Marines at least.
My guess is the Taliban and al Qaeda will be begging NATO to send more troops, hell they might even chip in some money. I mean if you were a terrorist thug, who would you want hunting your ass down, some Scandi guy in a soldier suit or a US Marine?

posted by DrewM. at
10:26 PM
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