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January 03, 2008
Important Action Alert And Pretty Vicious Rant On Pork
The President, I wrote before, after I realized what the hell pork was, always had the power to stop earmarks himself. Earmarks don't have the force of law. They're not usually in the legislation itself, but rather noted without the force of law that X Congressman wants Boondoggle Y funded with Z million dollars. Executive agencies usually honor these, um, "suggestions" just to keep on Congress' good side.
But the President could, if he wanted, direct all of his agencies to not honor those "suggestions" at all, and only spend money as 1) actual legislation directs them and 2) how the executive agencies themselves decide (as they are permitted under law).
Bush is -- or at least was -- about to sign an Executive Order forbidding agencies from honoring 90% of all earmarks. Under pressure from porkers, he may not sign it.
As Captain Ed suggests, call the White House to urge it -- politely, but firmly -- to finally end the earmark game:
If CapQ readers want George Bush to issue the Executive Order and hold Congress responsible for violating its own rules while pursuing personal political benefits, they need to let the White House know now how they feel. The EO advocates need to remind Bush that only through dramatic action can the GOP reclaim any momentum on fiscal responsibility. A rescission package would only play into the hands of the same people who larded up the spending bill while delivering it three months late.
You can make a difference. Call 202-456-1111 and politely explain why the President should issue the EO, or e-mail the staff at comments@whitehouse.gov.
After years of overspending, Bush might want to be reminded of his legacy, and whether he'll be remembered fondly by those who voted for him or as a bad mistake.