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January 02, 2008
It Depends On The Meaning Of “On The Ballot”
It’s like the 90’s all over again. Not the good parts like crazy internet and technology money. No, it's the obnoxious Clinton parts.
This time it's Hillary claims that Pervez Musharraf was going to be on the ballot in Pakistan’s now postponed elections.
On Dec. 28, during an interview on CNN, Clinton said, "If President Musharraf wishes to stand for election, then he should abide by the same rules that every other candidate will have to follow."
And on Dec. 30, during an interview on ABC's "This Week," Clinton responded to a question about whether Musharraf should step down by saying, "He could be the only person on the ballot. I don't think that's a real election."
Except, Musharraf was " re-elected" President months ago and the elections in question are for parliament. Bhutto was never going to replace Musharraf as President but the plan was for her to become Prime Minister. You'd think the smartest woman in America would have known that.
Now, most people would say, “Ooops, my bad” but not a Clinton. Nope, they double down by claiming we don’t understand the plain meaning of words.
ABC News' Brian Wheeler, Teddy Davis and Kate Snow report: The Clinton campaign says Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., did not make a mistake when she talked about Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf as a presidential candidate, in a recent interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.
“Well, his party is on the ballot,” said communications director Howard Wolfson, in an interview at Clinton headquarters in Des Moines, Tuesday, suggesting that the senator knew the difference between the man and the party being up for election, but was using shorthand. “And I don’t think anybody questions that Sen. Clinton has a vast and deep knowledge about foreign policy.”
Among the many reasons to despair of a President Hillary Clinton is the need to parse every last word, in every statement. Something in Bill and Hillary makes it impossible to take their words at face value. It's probably their inherent dishonesty.

posted by DrewM. at
12:06 AM
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