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January 01, 2008
Scumbag-Lawyer-Keying-Marine's-Car Update: Sweet
A judge nearly issues him a warrant when he doesn't show up for his appearance on time.
The lawyer claims he couldn't find the courthouse. Oh yeah, sure. Why would a lawyer know where the courthouse was.
More stuff at the link. Prosecutors seem more intent on punishing this guy than at first it seemed (perhaps because of the attention the case got).
Also, you will be shocked this lawyer has been disciplined before:
In addition to being disciplined for being involved in a scheme to forging documents, it has been reported to CLR that attorney Jay Robert Grodner has since then engaged in a conflict of interest with his clients, has abandoned his clients, has engaged in false billing, has engaged in a fraud upon his clients, provided ineffective assistance of counsel, and has engaged in a "fraud upon the court".
What a dick.