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December 31, 2007
Football Picks Are Done
No playoffs, just a regular season pickem pool.
I feel kind of sad. Well I did, until I saw that I vaulted past Bart and Slublog on my 11/16 week. HAHA, suckas!
Here's the results from AoSHQI. I'm sure we'll hear from PHenry in due course.
UPDATED: we heard from him.
1 PHenry (shocka) 144. Football God. Peyton Manning is on line one, wants to talk about your abs
2 anotheranon 141
3 Mr_Wide_Stance 139 (you get top billing, I lucked into this dude)
3 Dave in Texas 139 (SUCKIT. DAVE GETS SHOW)
5 Slublog 138
6 Dr Zin 137
Some of you have asked me if I'm disappointed that Dallas lost yesterday. No. FY, NQ.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:24 AM
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