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December 28, 2007
Pick Em!
UPDATED and BUMPED: Last Call.
Hey, I managed to stay in the top 5 this week.
I just checked with wiserbud, it's Friday Saturday. Confirmed.
No Thursday game, but one tomorrow night. Elected representatives are whining about the Giants and the Patriots NOT Dallas and Green Bay, oh hell no that does rate. Anyhow it's the Last Week of the Regular Season, capped off with this yawner of a game between the Giants and the Patriots.
ace, a glimmer of hope. The Pats might care about a perfect season, but they might care more about winning it all. You never know with those commie bastards. This could be NY's chance.
It won't amount to shit. The Giants are going down the toilet like the big stinky you made last night in a fit of... whatever the hell you have fits of.
ahem. AoSHQI and AoSHQII standings.
1 PHenry 138
2 anotheranon 133
3 Mr_Wide_Stance 132
4 Bart, shoveling snow I sincerely hope I mean Merry Christmas 129
4 JarvisW 129
4 Bun in the Oven Slublog 129
7 Johnny Warmcuts 128
7 Dave in Texas 128
Does this shit go through the playoffs? I don't see why not. It's still football.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:15 PM
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