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December 27, 2007
More Good News for Mike Huckabee
If your idea of "Good News" is "Surprise! You've got Ebola!"
DRJ at Patterico posted a link to The Discerning Texan, who got it from Hot Air, who linked to the primary documents at RedState. Here's the piece.
So let me get this straight: Huck "allegedly" took $25,000 in "speakers fees" to speak at John Hagee's church in San Antonio. John Hagee, a pastor who's best known outside of the evangelical community as a crusader against the Catholic Church. Now, since I'm not one of them "Mary worshiping Papists", I don't have a dog in the fight here, but I just have to wonder which denomination or group Governor Huckabee is going to offend next? Lutherans? Hell, they're practically Catholics anyway, plus they're predominantly filthy Scandi moosehumpers from an ethnic point of view. Jews? Huckabee's damn near a Democrat on all issues but guns & abortion anyway, and anti-Semitism is more of a left-wing trait in recent American politics. Pastafarians? Reformed fatboys, like reformed smokers, tend to lecture others about the evils of pasta, so why not go all the way and condemn The Flying Spaghetti Monster AKA His Noodly Goodness?
Anyway, I see in the Redstate comments where Huckabots are making excuses for both the acceptance of the filthy lucre & standing next to an anti-Catholic extremist in the pulpit last Sunday. Go & read 'em for yourself. I'm not here to add to the work already done, I just wanted to bring it to your attention. Why should Ace & Slubbo have all the fun? I want to hit the Huckapiñata too!
Oh, and as someone without much of a spiritual education, doesn't the Baptist Church believe that all non-Baptists are bound for Satan's Big Afterlife BBQ and Crawfish Boil? Or is that just the attitude I get from the majority of Baptists that I've known in my life?

posted by Russ from Winterset at
01:35 AM
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