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December 26, 2007
A Keith Olbermann Christmas
I don't know how to title this. While others are counting down the top ten stories of 2007 (and of course conveniently forgetting about the surge and the pacification of Iraq), Keith Olbermann instead counts down... his ten favorite "Special Comments."
And, for reasons I don't quite understand, he included accolades for his insipid preenings from the liberal press:
ANNOUNCER: More Americans turn to "Countdown" for Keith's honest take on the headlines.
ANNOUNCER, quoting "New York Newsday": His essays are smart, well-written-
ANNOUNCER, quoting the "San Diego Union-Tribune": TV's best news commentator.
ANNOUNCER, quoting "Playboy": The truth teller in chief.
Remember the Reason for the Season: Promoting Keith Olbermann.