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December 22, 2007
Another Iowa endorsement for "Ol' Fred"
When Tom Tancredo dropped out of the race the other day, he threw his endorsement to Mitt Romney; however, his campaign manager didn't agree & came out for Fred Thompson in this morning's paper. I can't find the link to the article on their website ........SEE! THE MEDIA IS CONSPIRING AGAINST FRED, THE ONLY TRUE CONSERVATIVE IN THE RACE! IT'S THEIR WAY OF MARGINALIZING THE ONLY MAN WHO COULD BEAT HILLARY/OBAMA IN THE GENERAL ELECTION WITH HALF HIS BRAIN TIED BEHIND HIS BACK /Fredbot off/
OK, that was weird. Anyway, Salier is a "former active duty" marine who farms in East Central Iowa. Back in '02, he challenged Greg Ganske, a moderate congressman, in the Republican Senate primary race. Ganske won the primary, but he lost to Tom Harkin in the general. Salier's a big figure among so-cons here in Iowa, and characterized his former boss' endorsement of Romney as "political positioning". Salier's got a lot of respect among home schoolers & their ilk, which might help Fred peel off some of Huck's supporters.
Will this endorsement make a difference? Maybe, a little. Honestly, if Tancredo had that much pull with voters, he'd have been polling above 3%, but Fred's not in a position to turn away ANY prospective voters right now. If Fred & Mitt split the former Tancredo voters, they'll pick up maybe 2% each. I happen to think that Fred will get the lion's share of this bloc, but time will tell.
We're headed to one of my brother-in-law's houses this morning for the in-law christmas (I've got multiple BIL's, not one BIL with multiple houses, just to be clear), and then it looks like we've got another snowstorm rolling into Iowa this afternoon. I think Fred's plan is to work Iowa right up to Christmas Eve, then come back to start the second leg of his bus tour on the 26th. Hopefully, the weather doesn't go all to hell on him & keep the bus parked under a sheet of ice.
If I don't get around to making another update on the Iowa Situation, I wanted to wish all you Morons a Merry Christmas. You guys are like a big extended family to me. Admittedly, it's a pretty dysfunctional family, but family nontheless. All the best to you & yours.
May your Holiday Cranberry-flavored Val-U-Rite be properly chilled, and may all your hobos be slow of foot, nearsighted & hard of hearing.

posted by Russ from Winterset at
11:10 AM
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