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December 19, 2007
House Democrats Stuck In A Quagmire…Fund Iraq And Afghanistan Operations
It was pretty much a foregone conclusion when the Senate put the money in their version of the bill but the House has officially wrapped up their ‘work’ and caved in on war funding.
In its last vote of the session, the House backed an amendment that was passed earlier this week in the Senate. The measure adds $70 billion in funds for the Iraq war. It is attached to the omnibus spending bill that funds many government operations. The measure cleared the House by a vote of 272-142.
House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) voted against the war funding amendment, calling it a conscience vote.
Republicans almost universally supported the measure while most Democrats opposed it.
For a "dumb and unpopular guy", George W. Bush sure managed to beat the crap out of Democrats this year.
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posted by DrewM. at
07:00 PM
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