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December 17, 2007
Romney Catches Huckabee In SC; Nationally, Giuliani Leads At 27 With Four Candidates Tied Each Around 15%
South Carolina, the first turn against the Huckster? Both are now tied at 23%.
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney are tied for the lead in South Carolina’s Republican Presidential Primary. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey shows both Huckabee and Romney with 23% of the vote followed by John McCain at 12%, Fred Thompson at 12%, and Rudy Giuliani at 11%. Ron Paul is supported by 5%, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter by 1% each, and 12% are undecided.
Nationally, it's Rudy 27, Huckabee 16, Romney 14, Fred 14, McCain 14.
This is weird. I don't know about you but I can't remember any elections where so many candidates got so much traction, and yet not nearly enough to actually win the thing.