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December 17, 2007
Fred Thompson gets a Big Endorsement in Iowa
I heard on the radio this morning that Fred Thompson's getting the endorsement of Congressman Steve King. King's a Republican from Western Iowa, which is Iowa's most reliably conservative region. In my earlier Fred post, some of the Moron Nation living in SW and NW Iowa wanted to know why Fred hasn't worked that part of the state as hard as Huckabee or Romney yet. Hopefully, that's because they knew this endorsement was coming down the pike.
King's an immigration hawk, and a close ally of Tancredo in the Republican caucus, so this endorsement will shore up Fred's conservative mojo among Iowa Republicans. There aren't many bright lights among Iowa's Republican politicians, so getting the Grand PooBah of Iowa's elected Republicans to endorse your candidacy is big news.
I'll let you know how this shakes out in the next couple of days.
In other news, my wife and I went in for an ultrasound this morning (I had already broken the good news to the "Splitters" site a few weeks ago, but this is the official AoSHQ unveiling of "Baby from Winterset"), and I've got a question for other recent parents. When they show you the ultrasound (we're talking about 22 weeks or so here), can you REALLY tell what you're seeing, or do you just trust the technician? I could see the really obvious stuff, like hands, feet & the spinal column, but the kidneys & heart just looked like bad TV reception during a lightning storm.
I tried to count fingers & toes, but she was going way too fast for me to be sure. I'm almost positive that we're going to get at LEAST five on each limb, but I'm not so sure that maybe I didn't see six toes on one foot. An extra toe isn't a big deal, is it? In my moron opinion, extra digits are like getting an extra donut or two in your box from the bakery. They're a bonus. If you don't want to use them, fine; but it's easier to get rid of an extra one than to try to deal with one that's missing, right?
Or not. It could've been just a shadow, on the screen, right?

posted by Russ from Winterset at
04:16 PM
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