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Fred 2008: An Insider's Report »
December 15, 2007
Iowa and New Hampshire Newspaper Endorsements
John ‘The Maverick’ McCain continues to win the media primary with endorsements from both the DesMoines Register and Boston Globe. He’s already received the support of the Manchester Union Leader. Alas, he’s still not doing all that well with actual Republican voters. But let’s face it, the most important thing is it’s not Huckabee.
On the Democratic side, The Register goes for Hillary, while Obama gets the nod in New Hampshire from the Globe.
It’s hard to say how much if any help these nominations are but apparently the Democrats were going pretty hard to get the support of the Register. Perhaps Russ from Winterset will stop by and share his thoughts on how big of a deal the Register's endorsement is in Iowa.

posted by DrewM. at
10:19 PM
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