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December 13, 2007
Busy, Busy Day
Sorry gang, forgot to put the weekly NFL picks reminder up. This day is gettin away from me.
Here's the standings; incidentally, all you morons were really nice to Slublog last week when he forgot to make his Thursday night pick and got locked out of the remaining games, and encouraged him just to make the picks and we'd add em to his total. So he emailed them to me.
He went 11/16, so see what your stupid gesture of kindness did? He's in second place now (at least in AoSHQI, which I'll update soon, now that I see PHenry made bail).
Standings [UPDATED w/ AoSHQII]:
1 PHenry 122
2 anotheranon 120
3 Slublog, a known communist 117
3 Mr_Wide_Stance 117
5 DrZin 114
5 Drew Bledsoe for HoF 114
7 Bart 112
There's another game tonight, so start pickin and grinnin.

posted by Dave In Texas at
05:13 PM
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