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December 11, 2007
Read Time And Understand... Painfully Transparent Liberal Bias
Top Ten Stories of 2007.
The Surge?
Nope. Not on the list.
Well, sort of. "Petraeus Under Fire" -- about his hostile questioning -- clocks in at number five. But him answering those questions with results that even now John Murtha admits? Not a big story, it turns out.
Here's how they capsule the story:
"House and Senate Democrats denounced the "surge," and, as they predicted, things got worse at first: May was the deadliest month for U.S. troops since November 2004."
How ya like them apples?
Hey? Assholes? It's not fucking May anymore. It's fucking December and casualties have plummeted since then. Have you decided to freeze your coverage at the peak of casualties and embargo coverage on fresher news since then?
Thanks to someone.