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December 11, 2007
You Keep Using that Word...
I do not think it means what you think it means.
DALLAS (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said on Monday that his surging popularity was drawing attacks from opponents and money from supporters as a new poll showed him in a virtual tie nationally with former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
The folksy former Arkansas governor has vaulted from single-digit figures just a few short weeks ago to the lead spot in opinion polls in the crucial state of Iowa.
John McCain
repeats the refrain, while conveniently forgetting
how well he knows Mitt Romney.
Here's an example of the horrible, horrible attacks that Huckabee is enduring. Oh, the humanity! Oh wait...that's only one public figure contrasting his record with another public figure.
Where's the attack?
As far as I'm concerned, a public figure's record is fair game for comparison and criticism. I really wish candidates (all of them, not just Huckabee) would stop whining about being "attacked" when other candidates have the audacity to point out matters of fact. When most of us look for a job, our record is taken into account. It shouldn't be any different for those running for the biggest job in the country.
In short: buck up, you whiners. America doesn't elect crybabies.

posted by Slublog at
11:13 AM
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