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December 10, 2007
"The Vanishing War:" As War News Turns Positive, MSM Becomes Suddenly Disinterested
Remember that study about a half year back demonstrating that FoxNews didn't cover Iraq as much as the other TV outlets when news was bad? CNN et al. made a rather big deal about that. Their argument seemed to be that good or bad, the War had to be covered, and only partisanship and bias could explain a drop in coverage.
Well, covering the war "good or bad" includes, I see, covering it when it is going rather good.
So how come CNN and the nets aren't interested anymore?
Last time 'round we were told Fox's diminished coverage was proof that they were in the tank for the GOP.
So what does the diminished coverage by ABCNBCCBSCNNMSNBC demonstrate, praytell?
Thanks to CJ.