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December 07, 2007
Obligatory: Moonbat Radio Host Arrested For Downloading Child Porn; Claims He Was Doing "Research" (With His Cock)
Well! I've never heard that novel defense before!
Ward's attorney, Doron Weinberg, said Thursday that for the past three years, he and other attorneys have been trying to convince the federal government that Ward is not a sexual predator, that he was simply doing research for a book on hypocrisy in America and was not engaged in anything more.
"The government knows that Bernie was doing this for an investigation he was doing for a book," said Weinberg, who appeared in federal court as Ward's lawyer and arranged the posting of a $250,000 bail bond. "But the government believes he violated the letter of the law, and they have gone ahead and prosecuted him."
As part of the research for the book, Ward - a married father of four - downloaded a few images of child pornography, Weinberg acknowledged.
In a brief interview, Ward said he "thought it was time to expose the dirty secret of the Internet in a book."
I'm always curious what "research" these guys claim they're doing. What, precisely, are they looking to "research"? They can't imagine what child porn might look like?
To prevent further "mistakes" like this in the future, I'm going to tell them now what child porn looks like. I haven't seen it myself, but I'm reasonably confident this description will forestall the need for all further "research:"
1) There are children.
2) They are undressed. Their private areas are prominently displayed.
3) They are usually being violated sexually either by adults or other children.
So, you know, mystery solved. All you diligent child porn researchers are now perfectly well-informed about precisely what this whole mysterious "child pornography" deal is. You can stop searching the newsgroups for pictures and video now, as I've described for you in all relevant detail what you'll find if you look hard enough.
I didn't post this despite it being on Drudge and despite getting multiple tips because, well, who the hell is this guy? I have no idea.
The only thing even marginally newsworthy here is that his agent promptly went on the air and... blamed Bush for the arrest. Chilling his speech or something.