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December 07, 2007
NBC Refuses To Run Ad Thanking Troops For Their Service As Too "Controversial"
It's certainly controversial at the leftist propaganda outfit NBC, I'm sure.
Freedom's Watch President and CEO Bradley Blakeman told FOX on Friday that this is not the first time NBC has turned down his group's ads and believes it has a specific objection to his group's support for the War on Terror.
"NBC asked us to re-vamp our Web site. They wanted to censor us, and we said, 'No we're not going to be censored,'" Blakeman said, noting that the organization's Web site points to more than 20 other non-profit Web sites where readers can thank and support troops.
NBC also objected to using images including military uniforms and vehicles and asked for proof of government approval for the group's use of the images in its ads.
Freedom's Watch says it has never been questioned on that before and paid for the rights to use the images from an independent licensing company.
They say they do not object to the ad -- except to brand it "controversial" -- but say "controversial" ads cannot include a website's URL-- in this case, www.freedomswatch.org.
They claim they've applied this rule "consistently."
Oh? Has MoveOn.org not been permitted to note its website in their ads? Or were their ads not deemed sufficiently "controversial" to invoke this "evenly applied" rule?
Thanks to dri and MikeS.
Correction: I got freedomswatch.ogr's URL wrong myself. Unlike NBC, I had no motivation of censorship. I'm just a fucking idiot.
Thanks to thefightinggop.