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December 05, 2007
NIE Report On Iran Nuke Freeze Called Bullshit By... Hans Friggin' Blix
As they say, if you've lost Walter Cronkite, you've lost the nation. And Hans Blix is the Walter Cronkite of WMD apologism and soft-pedaling.
Blix said the U.S. agencies likely acted because they heard «all the rhetoric of World War III _ and either we have the Iranian bomb or we have the bombing of Iran.
«The intelligence services got a lot of blame for the invasion of Iraq that they had exaggerated what they saw ,» Blix said. «This time they do not want to carry the responsibility.
Apparently we're to believe the Iranians have 3000 centrifuges furiously spinning out weapons-grade uranium just so they can, um, make some really kickass (but lethally carcinogenic) glow-in-the-dark watches.
Thanks to CJ.