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December 05, 2007
BBC Pays For Islamic Paintballing Trip As Part of Program Spoofing Islamophobia; Turns Out Two of Their Junketeers Were Terrorist Bombers
...a fact the BBC did not disclose to the police once they knew it.
The issue in this story has less to do with paintball and more to do with the BBC's credulity. They accepted at face value that Islamophobia represented more of a threat than terrorism, and blithely proved the opposite with this entry in their scolding to the West. Not only did they invite a terrorist planner onto the show, he invited two of the July 21 would-be suicide bombers to join him.
It gets worse for the BBC. After the bombing, the BBC didn't bother to go to the police with the information, even after Hamid confirmed his association with the two perpetrators.
More at Captain Ed.
Thanks to CJ.