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December 04, 2007
Jimmy Carter, Part II
In past posts about the candidacy of Mike Huckabee, I said I didn't want to become the anti-Huckabee blogger.
Allow me to recant that statement. We simply have to stop this man from getting any further in his quest for the presidency. Mike Huckabee is simply unqualified to be the commander in chief in a time of war.
Go to Hot Air for the video and the Washington Post story, but here's the statement.
MIKE HUCKABEE: I’ve been to Guantanamo, I was there, I guess it’s been about a year and a half ago. I think the problem with Guantanamo is not in that its facilities are inadequate. It’s the symbol that it represents. It’s clearly become a symbol to the rest of the world as a place that has become problematic for us as a nation. I was quite frankly impressed with the quality of the facilities and even the attention to care that was given to the detainees, but that aside, it doesn’t alter that Guantanamo to the rest of the world is a symbol that is not in our best interests to continue pursuing.
Guantanamo is not a "symbol." It's a facility (and a relatively nice one, as far as detention centers go) where we keep people who have pledged to do us harm. If we close the facility and let these people go,
some will keep their promises.
Powerline wonders if Huckabee is "too moralistic" to be president. Personally, I think it's a combination of moralism and misguided optimism, with a healthy dose of inexperience in world affairs. Comparisons have been made to a former U.S. president from the south, and I've always thought those comparisons were a bit harsh.
Now I'm not so sure.
Huckabee is bad on taxes and immigration. He's got overly-statist views on the limits of government power and now we find out that he lacks the fortitude to withstand international criticism of our foreign and military policy. The Huckabee boomlet has got to stop.

posted by Slublog at
12:36 PM
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