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December 04, 2007
"Ex" Aide To Senator Cantwell (D-WA) Arrested For Attempting To Have Sex With A Minor (AndrewsDad)
And by "ex", they mean he was taking a long lunch break at the time.
A former aide to Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., was in federal custody after being arrested on a charge of attempting to sexually exploit a minor.
James Michael McHaney was fired Friday from his job as a scheduler for Cantwell, hours after he was arrested by FBI agents. The FBI said in court papers that McHaney is accused of trying to set up a meeting with a witness posing online as a teenage boy.
So he was not an "ex" aide and he was not a "former" aide when this happened. He was literally on his lunch break.
According to court papers, McHaney, known as Mike, tried to arrange a lunchtime meeting with an unidentified person posing as a 13-year-old boy.
There are so many things wrong with this story, I do not know where to start.
Let's start with an adult male wanting to have sex with a 13 year old boy. If there is such a thing as a just and merciful God, this creep will spend the rest of his life being raped and sexually abused by exceptionally large felons courtesy of the United States penal system... AFTER he is convicted.
So I have to ask, why was he fired? First off, since when is being arrested for attempting to have sex with an underage boy a firing offense for a Democratic Senate staffer? Seriously. More importantly, when did this guy get exempt from the presumption of innocents?
H/T Orbusmax
The NSFW quote after the jump
The Smoking Gun has the legal paperwork.
"Mike" then asked whether CW had a photograph of the child with whom he and CW were going to have sex and whether the child had "any pubes". When CW said no, "Mike" said "That's hot".
Now I know what you are thinking, you only put that in to further embarrass your Senator, Maria Cantwell. Why yes, yes I did.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:22 AM
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