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December 03, 2007
Good Clean Jailhouse Fun Leads To Firings
If female inmates can’t put on a fashion show for prison guards, then the terrorists really have won.
Three jailers have been fired and one suspended for encouraging female inmates who put on a mock fashion show that included a bikini made from a sweatshirt.
..."They used their prison uniforms and anything else for the fashion show," sheriff's office administrator Larry Lowman said of the ten Bedford County Jail inmates who participated.
Alma Cantu watched the inmates through a large security window while three male guards — Steven Qualls, Jason Carden and Jamie Farris — watched them on security monitors, Lowman and Sheriff Randall Boyce said.
"There were some remarks made over the intercom into that [cell] block," Lowman said. "One of the guards asked a particular female to blow into the speaker ... box of the intercom [which doubles as a microphone] and as she did, he put his microphone down to his crotch."
My guess is the participants aren't quite as hot in reality as they would be in the Cinemax version, so a trip to my bunk won’t be necessary.

posted by DrewM. at
05:17 PM
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