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December 02, 2007
Nanny-Staters Just Never, Ever, Ever Stop Fucking With People
The indoor smoking ban in the UK has had an unintended consequence. In cold weather, smokers use patio heaters to keep themselves comfortable outdoors.
This won't do.
Environmentalists say the heaters must now be banned if Britain is to meet carbon dioxide emission targets.
Tony Juniper, of Friends of the Earth, said: "The impacts of the smoking ban are positive, but this should not cause more problems for the environment. Either smokers will have to give up smoking or simply put on a jumper."
Naturally. Deal with the unwanted results of one ban by imposing another.
The last part of Mr. Juniper's quote has a disagreeably imperious ring to it. The sound of a wretched busybody who is used to getting his way over others.
In the name of saving the Earth, of course. It's not like he enjoys telling other people what to do.
He's just so terribly concerned about the Earth.
Tangent: In Washington State, private hookah-smoking club (!) gets around indoor smoking ban.
UPDATE: (Jack M)- Hooker-smoking? There's nothing I like better than a little smoked hooker. Tastes like salmon.
Ohhh...LW said hookah. Forget I said anything.

posted by Laura. at
03:58 PM
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