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November 26, 2007
I Command You: Go Forth and Make Mockery
You thought posting on the Olympia Moonbat Calendar was fun? How'd you like to comment on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's official blog?
It looks like this has been around for years (he rarely posts) so feel free to shout out an "Old!" if you'd already seen it. I hadn't. He has a recent post about why he's not posting anymore. (Short answer: "my trusted students" read the blog for him.)
Watch out for the crazy Mahmoud-lovers in the comments. On the other hand, there are some amusing ones like this fellow:
GB Your Gone bob...@yahoo.com
You are a terrible, despicable human being. You WILL be attacked by the US or Israel and will be destroyed!
And this one:
US john jacobs sfg...@yahoo.com
I hate you. you are retarted. that simple mentally retarted
LATER: Well, damn. It seems that there's a comment review process or something. How irritating.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
10:03 PM
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