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November 24, 2007
Heh: SFGate Deletes Comments Of Ideologically Unsuitable Readers While Tricking Them Into Believing Their Comments Still Stand
And thus, presumably, keeping people from 1) complaining or 2) taking their comments (and traffic) elsewhere.
It works like this: SFGate deletes your comments, but when you (and only you) log in under your user name, you see your comments normally as if they are still posted. But from any other machine (with any other login, with any other cookie) the comments are gone, zapped.
It's a sneaky-shit trick of the MSM of the kind we've come to expect from them. Unwilling to admit comments of the wrong ideological stripe, or critical of the MSM themselves are being deleted, and yet still arrogant enough to exert their putative power as "gatekeepers" by permitting only comments they deign acceptable, they think they've found a cutesy way to purge comments while avoiding the flack for doing so.
And, as usual, that cutesy way is dishonest, self-serving, and partisan.
Thanks to CJ.