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November 24, 2007
Berkeley Tree Sitters Lose Case
Remember these jackholes?
Those spoiled children have been camped up in the trees for almost a year now, trying to prevent oaks from being cleared to build an athletic facility. They should have been summarily hauled off the first day.
But this is Berkeley.
Now that the University of California has gotten the go-ahead to remove the protestors, they are unsure how to actually proceed. They don't want anyone to get hurt, after all.
But sitters have vowed not to descend as long as the oaks are in peril. The sound of laughter and guitar music wafted from the trees as sitters enjoyed mild temperatures on a golden afternoon this week.
The group was feeling "awesome," said a sitter who would give only her nickname of "Dumpster Muffin." Still, she said, they are concerned for their safety. "It's definitely coming to a head of some sort."
Indeed. Perspicacious lass, this Miss Muffin.
Clearly she hasn't drank a drop of bong water in days.
And who do you suppose will be responsible if Miss Muffin should be injured during the eviction?
One of the tree-sitting protesters in a grove of oaks next to UC Berkeley's Memorial Stadium was in the hospital Monday after taking a bone-breaking fall.
Nathaniel Hill, who fell at least 30 feet on Sunday night, was in stable condition at Highland Hospital in Oakland, a nursing supervisor at the hospital said.
Hill said that if UC hadn't put fences around the site, then there would have been no need for the traverse line that he'd been trying to reach.
I really don't like these people.

posted by Laura. at
04:17 PM
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