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That's What it Looks Like? »
November 24, 2007
Posters Which Simply But Graphically Reveal The Bug-Fucking Dementia Of The Left
Michelle Malkin turned these Huffpo posters into a photoshop challenge.
She has captures of them on her site so you don't have to click through to Huffpo.
Frankly, the originals are so lame they're self-satirizing. You have to already be sick with BDS in order to think they're somehow profound.
A professional advertising guy came up with those? Really?
The top one is merely a list of names of people in the Bush Administration.
Stunning indictment. Wow.
Those names...are people we've heard of. ZING. OUCHIES.
The other two are similarly useless.
I hope those were freebies, Arianna. If you paid five bucks you got hosed.
Thanks to SeeDubya, who is trying his hand at the photoshop thing on his site:
Apparently the advertising wizards who came up with that one just depended upon the pure talismanic evil power of the Republican nomenclature--I know Dick Cheney's name is a killing word, but, well, Tom Ridge?
posted by Laura. at
10:37 AM
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