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November 19, 2007
Um: Infidelity Good For Marriage
Try selling this one to your spouse:
Can being unfaithful save your relationship? Marital therapist Andrew G. Marshall reveals the unexpected benefits of betrayal
It seems like the ultimate irony the least likely outcome to an act of betrayal that for most people spells the end of a marriage. Sometimes, however, instead of causing a death blow, being caught out can end up saving it. In some cases, an affair can improve a relationship that has for years been stuck in the doldrums; it can be a desperately needed wake-up call, a chance to reflect and face painful truths. Of course, this is a high-risk strategy and many couples cannot get past the bitterness and resentment that the infidelity inevitably brings, but some can and do get through the pain of an affair and end up stronger.
Via Hot Air.
A female friend of mine has long subscribed to the theory that marriages need two amnesty weekends per year to chase strange to wind up lasting.