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November 19, 2007
Feinstein Censure Vote Killed in Committee
I wrote a few weeks ago that California Senator Diane Feinstein better strap in, for siding with Republicans on AG Mike Mukasey and judicial appointments. Last week, Far Left individuals in the California Democratic Party made a resolution to censure Feinstein for not toeing the party line.
On Saturday, that resolution failed amidst procedural objections (link is to HuffPost). The HuffPost writer (and others) are angry at the party "senior adviser" for blocking the censure resolution and trying to keep the entire story under wraps:
As the story moved around the room on Sunday, people became incensed. Mr. Mulholland waited until the 90-second procedural discussion about the censure resolution to physically block a video camera that had been recording the day's events. When asked to move, he would not. When later asked by several delegates to talk, he shouted out "you are all worse than Bush." This is how the CDP treats those who volunteer their time to work within the system to make change, rather than just bolting.
A resolution by the CDP to define waterboarding as torture also failed. In short, Feinstein is not without friends in the California party, most especially among those who do not want to lose her senate seat to a centrist Republican.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
01:34 PM
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