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November 16, 2007
Hollywood and the GOP
The Washington Times has an article on a topic that got some attention here in the last few weeks. It discusses the few well-known Republican-leaning actors and makes some speculation about others. The idea that Hollywood is a Democratic town is emphasized:
While Democrats enjoy very public support from Hollywood's top actors and musicians, who often hold lavish events for their favorite candidates, Republican supporters in Hollywood try hard to keep their political views quiet.
"They learn very quickly, if they know what's good for them, to donate to the Democratic Party," said Andrew Breitbart, co-author of "Hollywood, Interrupted." "If they were to donate to the Republican Party, they would be exposed to career-ending ridicule, period."
For what its worth, I've had two Republican-voting, well-known actors tell me that it's not that black-and-white, at least not once the actor has become "a star" (and, therefore, a money-maker). On the other hand, anyone who wants to make it to that level of success has to fly under the radar until then.
I got a chuckle over this quote, responding to rumors that Terri hostaer is a Republican:
"Please be advised that Ms. hostaer is not a Republican, but more importantly does not choose to have her political affiliation or viewpoints on any particular candidate or issue in the current presidential campaign included in your proposed article," lawyer Barry W. Tyerman said in an e-mail.
Maybe this puts the lie to the folks I mentioned above.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:26 PM
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