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November 13, 2007
Oh My: Truther Conspiracies Offered In Hillary Falling Flag Incident
A vast right-wing conspiracy, conspiring to topple flags in my vicinity.
Not a Good Day: And I thought I was having a good day blogging.
Well, here's your Correction: I'm informed this website is, in fact, a parody site. Oh well. Kind of funny, I guess. I might find it funnier if I weren't steaming with embarrassment and fail.
Here's the actual video. *
Now here is a bona-fide Internet Detective, hot on the case. Is this a joke? I dunno, it doesn't read like one. It just reads like a frigging lunatic.
Here's the one picture worth a thousand words:
People just don't walk from behind curtains, you know.
Thanks to Doubleplus Undead, who's discovered what could be the undoing of the entire environmentalist movement.
* Bonus Hillary's-A-Lesbian Angle: Retired Geezer says: Isn't that well-dressed dark-complexioned woman the famous "Huma" we've been hearing so much about?
Indeed it does seem to be.