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November 07, 2007
Pat Robertson To Endorse…Rudy?
They say politics makes strange bedfellows, I guess this is proof of that.
Pat Robertson, one of the most influential figures in the social conservative movement, will announce his support for Rudy Giuliani's presidential bid this morning in Washington, D.C., according to sources familiar with the decision.
Robertson's support was coveted by several of the leading Republican candidates and provides Giuliani with a major boost as the former New York City mayor seeks to convince social conservatives that, despite his positions on abortion and gay rights, he is an acceptable choice as the GOP nominee.
I think the media and politicians over value these types of endorsements but this can only help Rudy in his quest to at least not be openly at war with social conservatives. And Mitt has been racking up a lot of notable social-con endorsements lately (most recently Paul Weyrich), so anything Rudy can do to stall that type of momentum is a plus for him.
Still, if anyone had told me 2 or 3 years ago that Pat Robertson would endorse Rudy Giuliani I’d have asked for a sip of whatever it is they were drinking, yet here we are.
An additional thought…Remember when everyone cheered Rudy for practically ripping Ron Paul’s heart out of his chest and showed it to him, ala the cult priest in The Temple of Doom, for suggesting that ‘blowback’ from U.S. policy was the cause of 9/11? Well, how is Rudy going to answer the inevitable questions about Robertson’s agreement with Jerry Fallwell’s assessment that 9/11 was due in part to the secularization of America?
Strange bedfellows indeed.

posted by DrewM. at
09:55 AM
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