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November 07, 2007
Weblog Awardszzzzzzz
And one last thing before bed, so the morning crew will see it first thing. We're neck-and-neck with Michelle Malkin.
I've made it so you don't even have to go over to the Weblog Awards Site to vote for Ace. How's that for service?
Just click into the extended entry (I've stuck it there so it won't slow things down too terribly on the main page). [Removed because it was slowing things down. please click to the Weblog Awards page to vote -- Gabe]
In the spirit of moron-camaraderie, you should still head over and vote for:
Slublog in "Best of the Rest"
Nice Deb in "Best New Blog"
The morons tell me that:
Climate Audit deserves your vote in "Best Science Blog"
Gateway Pundit in "Best of the Top 250"
Average Gay Joe in "Best LBGT Blog"

posted by Gabriel Malor at
08:44 AM
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