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November 03, 2007
New Chinese Product Recall
They just recently recalled lead-tainted lunchboxes.
Now the problem is lead-tainted lunch bags.
A county employee happened to spot a label inside one of the bags that said the product "may contain lead," Brown said. The label also said the bags were made in China.
Brown said acting Health Commissioner Abby Greenberg was informed late Monday, but it took until Thursday evening to pinpoint the bags' recipients and begin alerting them.
The county agency said it received the bags from the Produce for Better Health Foundation. The foundation said on its Web site that tests found the bags' vinyl lining contained 1,800 to 2,100 parts per million of lead, exceeding the federal limit of 600 ppm for painted products used by children.
Emphasis mine. The warning label was a nice touch.
WARNING: Poisoning American schoolchildren may result in....um. Oh, never mind. America just can't stay mad at you, China.
Just promise never to do it again, you adorable scamps.

posted by Laura. at
12:02 PM
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