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November 01, 2007
US/Iraqi Operation Frees Kidknapped Sheiks [dri]
“BAGHDAD -- It had to be done quickly. Rogue Shiite militiamen were holding hostage a group of Sunni and Shiite tribal sheiks who had joined a revolt against al-Qaida. For the Iraqi government and its U.S. backers, the seven men represented a rare symbol of national unity.
A daring rescue operation secured their freedom.
“Four of the kidnappers were killed in the gunfight and six were detained, according to the Iraqi Defense Ministry. U.S. military officials, however, said the number of suspected kidnappers detained was much larger.”
“Al-Qusaibi [the Iraqi commander] basked in the limelight and accepted lavish praise from U.S. commanders for leading his men from the front.
"I had to be at the front to save the lives of my men," al-Qusaibi, in green camouflage, said to a U.S. commander in a husky voice. "I lost my voice shouting orders during a gun battle with the kidnappers," he proudly recounted. “

posted by xgenghisx at
07:26 PM
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