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Open Blog Thursday »
November 01, 2007
Congratulations, Ace: the 2007 Weblog Awards Are On
Not to preempt Ace, or anything, but I'm pleased to say that it's that time of year, again. The finalists have been selected for the weblog awards competition. As usual, Ace's place was selected in the category "Best Conservative Blog."
He's got a lot of worthy competition, but there's one site that shouldn't be listed in that category. That would be John "I just registered as a Democrat" Cole. I expect his Kossack friends will be pleased to see he gets the Conservative category award.
Also, congratulations to Nice Deb for selection to the category "Best New Blog." Good luck.
Voting begins on Friday.
UPDATE: Cole has been taken out of the "Best Conservative Blog" category because the poll software would only support 10 choices (they had selected 12 finalists).

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:09 AM
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