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October 31, 2007
Matt Welch: Ron Rosenbaum's Rumor Rumor Is A Pile of Crap
I asked Patterico if he could ask his LAT connections about the rumor, and he got editor Matt Welch on the record saying, basically, it's total bullshit.
I might chalk that up to a typical denial but he seems pretty emphatic. Unless he's just a brazen liar, it does seem he hasn't heard of this rumor that "everyone knows about" and he is not at the moment wrestling with his conscience about printing something or other.
Ah, well.
Back in 1993 I met a guy who had just gone to work in Clinton's, or rather Lloyd Bentsen's, Treasury Department. Democrat type guy, obviously. He'd been in DC four or five months tops. He told everyone gathered that "everyone knew" that Hillary was a lesbian; it was "common knowledge."
But how could "everyone know," I asked.
Everyone just knows, he said.
How? I asked.
Well, everyone says, he modified.
So I don't know. I've heard "everyone knows" from people "in the know" for 14 years.