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October 31, 2007
Aceapalooza West Invitations
Ace-West invitation emails have gone out. If you didn't get one then you gave me a fake email address in the comments (this means you Mr. Matamoros).
There are about 20 people coming. Aside from the Moron-in-Chief, we'll have at least two L.A.-area bloggers joining us, plus folks from as far north as Sacramento.
Whoops: Aceapalooza West will be this coming Saturday, the 3rd, in West L.A.
If you want to come, but didn't get an email then please say so in the comments to this post (be sure to use a real email addy so I can contact you) or email me at gabriel.malor at gmail.
I'm still looking for two to four volunteers to help me carry Ace to steve_in_hb's car at the end of the evening. Also, one attendee is preemptively bringing a police sketch artist.
Also [Ace]: If there's any interest, some of you can come down the following weekend to Santa Barbara, maybe the following Thursday (the eighth). Jeff Goldstein and Prof. Rusty Shackleford and commenter Nordbuster should be in town then as well. Andrew Breitbart too, though I don't know if he'd rub shoulders with our ilk. He's got that crazy Drudge money and all.
I'll either be in my room watching Ghost Rider or in the hotel bar, so it's 50/50.
I don't know if that's much better for people in the central or northern part of the state. California geography is a blank to me, except that I know it's really, really big.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
08:54 PM
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