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October 26, 2007
DKos Diarist: All We Need To Do To End The War On Terror Is Convert To Islam
And he thinks that's a pretty good deal.
This borders on parody, so it may be a plant. Then again, most of this crap borders on parody, and many dKos commenters seem willing to give the proposal a fair hearing.
While it appears from more than one point of view that the War in Iraq and the War on Terror are situations from which we may never be able to extricate ourselves, from the mountains of Pakistan comes a very simple solution: convert to Islam.
Before we reject this out of hand, lets seriously consider it for a moment: Osama Bin Laden promised the wars would be over if Americans convert to Islam.
This may sound like a lot to ask from the most religious country in the industrialized world. But of all the Christians in America today who profess to be religious, how many of us are seriously devout?
How many of us are really just religious lightweights, happy to simply go to church every Sunday, attend church socials, knock back a drink or two every Christmas and not worry ourselves about the deeper implications of our faith?
Given the way most of us pay any real attention to the tenets of our faith, life really wouldn’t be that different if we were to exchange one faith for another. The prayers would be different, but we would recite them just as mindlessly as we do today. The sermons would in all likelihood be exactly the same, and we’d continue to snore through them.
Sure, there are a few people here and there who take religion seriously, but they are in such a small minority that their protests can be easily ignored.
Or converted at the point of a sword. After all, some "collateral damage" must be accepted if you hope to win a surrender.