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October 25, 2007
Left Wing Blogs: Don't Talk About "Distractions" Like Beauchamp; Let's Talk About The *Real Issues* In Iraq, Like The California Wildfires
Herr Kommissar notes the liberals' talking point on Beauchamp is that it's a distraction from the real issues, but they are also unwilling to discuss the "real issues" either now that the war is going rather well.
This is new. We're used to hearing that this or that news is a "distraction" designed to keep attention away from an issue they'd rather talk about, but this is the first time they've claimed a story they don't want to discuss is a "distraction" from another story they don't want to discuss.
And The Commissar should know -- if I remember right, he turned against the war long ago and gravitated towards the left side of the blog aisle. So he's got the lefty blogs on his blog roll, he reads them, and he knows they're also not talking about the issues they claim they're so eager to talk about.
From Allah's post, where (past the Yon thing I already posted) he wonders, along with Victor Davis Hanson, exactly what TNR just doesn't stop the bleeding and admit what everyone on the planet except for Ellie Reeves and Franklin Foer knows.
His suggestions are as accurate as they are obvious.
Foer, Chait & Co. are now in a Dan Rather Man-Trap of his own devising. If they do the right thing at this point, they will have to resign from TNR, and it's questionable what their future job prospects will look like. Would even Media Matters hire them afterwards? Probably not, as they'd be reviled by the left for conceding an inch to the Right Wing Noise Machine.
So they really can't do anything else except continue to lie and hope the left will continue believing (or pretending to believe) that they're not liars masquerading as newsmen.
"Truth" and "ethics" went out of their decision-making months ago. Now they're in simple survival mode. And people do things they didn't know they were capable of when in survival mode.