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October 24, 2007
World Series, Game One
It's been years since I gave a rat's ass about a World Series, and this year is no exception. However, I am in Boston, and I guess I'm supposed to watch this crap or something. (No, I haven't moved to NYC yet. Hopefully Dec. 1.)
I have been watching this stuff on and off. I guess I do see what other people see in baseball -- it's not a boring game after all. It's an excruciating game. It's unpleasant, yes, but in a different way than pure tedium is unpleasant.
At any rate, I guess you can post stuff here like "Hey, a guy just got a hit" and "That dreadlocked chap just caught a ball and threw it to the block of wood on first base."
Pedroia, Huh? Bang.