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October 20, 2007
CNN Spins Poll On Recession, Instructing Us That Facts Don't Matter, It's Just "How You Feel" About the Economy
The MSM is quick and decisive in correcting public "misimpressions" about such things as Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism (despite the fact that, you know, he did support terrorists), but when it comes to a public misimpression that aids the Democrats, they're quick to justify and even amplify that error.
The fact is we're in a period of growth, not recession. This is not a "feelings" based thing. It is a fact: the economy is growing, sometimes robustly and sometimes merely adequately, and has been doing so for years.
But the Democrats and the MSM want the public to think it's in a recession, so they constantly imply that maybe it is, facts be damned. Tom Blumer (BizzyBlog) notes a CNN "expert" sagely informing viewers that the nations' economic health isn't a verifiable, mathematical fact but simply "how you feel," so liberals are encouraged to continue "feeling" like the nation is in a recession.
What. Ev. Er.
As I've noted before, when people are asked to rate their personal economic fortunes, they rate them fairly highly, and do not claim to be in individual "recessions." But when asked about the macro scale -- how the economy is doing overall for all 300 million of us -- about half of the country consistently claims we're in a recession.
And where are they getting their information about the macro performance of the economy, praytell? From the MSM of course. And then, the MSM having lied to the public about the health of the economy, they then reassure those misled by previous lies because it's all about "how you feel" about the economy.
And if the public "feels" the economy is in a recession precisely because the MSM keeps implying it is, oh well.
The MSM, in other words, endeavors to remove its agency from this erroneous strain of public sentiment. They claim it's okay to think the country is wrongly in recession -- hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion -- without acknowledging that it is their very own misreporting that has caused this mistaken belief.