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October 17, 2007
NBC Set To Trumpet Global Warming With Weeklong Promotion
So frigging annoying.
You know what the hardest part of watching NBC is?
Having to tell your parents you're gay.
Sorry, I heard that joke about rollerblading. Apologies if it offends any of the gays. But the network, seriously, seems catering entirely to the urban metrosexual/gay/gay moll effete ultraliberal faux-intellectual Starbucks-swilling demographic.
Yes, an entire night will feature "eco-themed" sitcoms. Because, you know, if the dude from My Name Is Earl tells me to start torching SUVs, I listen.
And of course Matt Lauer is involved.
So NBC's "Today" show has unveiled big plans for next month to jet its stars to the far reaches of the planet -- Matt Lauer in the Arctic, Al Roker at the Equator and Ann Curry in Antarctica -- for live broadcasts aimed at alerting us to the effects of global warming.
Isn't this delicious? The world is coming to an end supposedly because of greenhouse gases which emanate from the burning of fossil fuels. So, the good folks at NBC are going to burn an astounding amount of jet-fuel to save the planet.
I get it:
"There's no question there are some travel arrangements that will require private transportation, and we've talked about that in terms of minimizing our carbon footprint," [Matt] Lauer said Tuesday in a "Today" call with reporters. "It's impossible at this moment to say we can absolutely come up with a neutral carbon footprint, but it's also something we'll examine.
"It's a fair question. It's something that celebrities and activists [face]. ... When you travel like this, is it speaking out of both sides of your mouth?"