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October 10, 2007
DailyK: Democrats Have Marginalized Us Again
A week ago this past Sunday (nope, no link for goofballs), a Kos diarist bemoaned what has been painfully obvious for months, the Democrat leadership is abandoning their anti-war rhetoric. Having confirmed in words what they have confirmed in actions since the 06 elections when they took control of both Houses, they've conceded that not only is feeble obstruction counterproductive for them, even outright criticism of the war is a losing proposition with the American people.
Perhaps it became painfully obvious in the last Democrat presidential debate, when not one front runner would commit to pulling out the troops by 2013. Yet even before that, the only weapon at their disposal, defunding the war (or impeaching Bush) got nowhere. Proposed legislation for timetables and limited funding never got legs.
"We have achieved electoral victory. All it has brought us is paralysis. While we must press to elect more Democrats, to achieve filibuster proof, and even veto proof majorities, the emphasis should now be shifted to better Democrats. And by better Democrats, I mean anti-war, Progressive Democrats."
Question "progressives": If the leadership of the Democrat party really believes you're the reason they won, why won't they take action on the defining issue you believe put them in power, that Americans want the war ended, and ended now? In fact, why would they not only fail to act, but in reality decide that even criticism of the war is unwise?
"Why would Senate Democrats risk alienating the netroots? Why risk alienating 1.3 million passionate, activist, money contributing, MoveOn.org members? To the extent of scolding them!! The message was clear, "Shut the fuck up and sit down! We are in charge here." So what is their plan? Whatever it is, it is painfully clear, it is not to begin an immediate withdrawal."
Why indeed?
What if, let me float this one by you....what if they were lying to you all along?
What if, bear with me now, what if they think you're wrong?
What would they then do?
I remember a few days ago LauraW identifying the next MSM meme. They will be forced to abandon "We Are Failing", so they will instead embrace "Was it Worth It"? I think she's spot on with that prediction (prescient! Google it!).
Expect the '08 Democrat election rhetoric to shift away from the war and terrorism, and straight to the standard Democrat boilerplate of "healthcare, education, the widening gap between the poor and the rich". The usual suspects.
And expect the nutroots to turn the Apeshit Amps to eleven (I know, you thought they were already there, but you were wrong), as the realization of what Democrats have done to them sinks in.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:32 AM
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