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October 04, 2007
More Phony Soldiers
If Ken Salazar doesn't know what's meant by the term, maybe he should talk to his brother, a Congressman:
His brother, meantime, U.S. Rep. John Salazar, D-Colo., is working to establish a database of soldiers who have earned military honors so that people who falsely claim to hold medals can be prosecuted under the Stolen Valor Act, which John Salazar authored.
I think another good idea would be a ratings system for the media as to how they pimp and misrepresent the records of soldiers and phony soldiers who tow the official media line on the war.
Meanwhile, the corrupt mayor of Atlantic City has gone missing after admitting he lied about his Vietnam record. And, of course, not only has he himself gone missing from the city, his party affiliation has gone missing from the article about him.
Thanks to CJ.
Even More... links from Instapundit.
You know, if the media did its job and checked the claims of these supposed heroes before trumpeting their Absolute Moral Authority, Rush Limbaugh wouldn't have to note the existence of phony soldiers in the first place.