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September 27, 2007
Grim Milestone Watch…Coalition Troops Have Killed 19,000 Insurgents in Iraq Since 2003
The US has tried pretty hard to play down enemy casualties in Iraq since the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. General Tommy Franks once famously said, ‘We don’t do body counts’. Well of course they do and USA Today got the 19,000 and change figure out of them. Add to that the 25,000 in US custody and you are starting to talk about a whole lot of terrorists who are now hors de combat.
As I’ve often said to the liberal trolls who point to US deaths as a reason for us to leave Iraq, casualties are not the be all and end all metric of success. But it seems that for the last 4 years the media, the Democrats and the left (but I repeat myself) have been wetting themselves in anticipation of each new ‘grim milestone’ of US deaths, yet they have been strangely silent on the toll this war has inflicted upon the enemy and what that might mean to the outcome in Iraq.
You almost get the impression from the media that US troops are doing nothing more than driving around Iraq waiting to be killed without ever fighting back (unless the dead are women and children attending a wedding). Turns out they have been shooting back and their aim is pretty good.
Of course the keys to victory in Iraq are Gen. Petraeus’ counter insurgency strategy as well as political reconciliation but killing the bad guys shouldn’t be overlooked either.

posted by DrewM. at
02:24 PM
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