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September 26, 2007
Ahmadinejad Round-Up
No gays in Iran? Heh. Very heh, baby.
The wife of one of the soldiers kidnapped by Hizballah last summer snuck into the big MSM confabulous organized by Ahmadinejad. For some strange reason, Mahmoud seems to believe he has fans in the MSM:
"He came in and started to smile at everyone. The reporters gave him great respect… As he walked by me he said hi to me, because he still didn't know who I was. He thought I was one of the supporting journalists, and that he was walking into a place where everyone loved him. He seemed very pleased," Goldwasser recounted.
Details of this love-in are of course at Hot Air.
Bryan Preston notes liberals' reluctance to choose sides between Ahmadinejad and their own children. More nuance is needed.
Regarding Columbia's supposed commitment to free speech and an informed citizenry, scan down for the "Columbia Quiz" deleted scene from Brian Coyne Mahoney's finally-to-be-released Indoctrinate U.